eStore: Side Hustle WorkBook

“Using the approaches and tips in this book, I was able to confidently boil down what I wanted to do, and the steps I needed to take to get there!”
– Andrea H

Your Complete, “How to” Resource for Starting Your Own Successful Side Hustle in 2024!


How To Start Your Own 2024 Side Hustle starts with a list of fundamental tasks to help you set up and manage your side hustle or small business. The workbook gives you a solid understanding of how to establish your brand, how to position and package your product and/or service, and how to communicate your value to the marketplace!

What You’ll Learn:

  • Business Concept & Planning: Who, What, When, Where, Why? Market Analysis & Planning, Legal Concerns, Business Administration
  • Bossing Management: How to stay hands on with your money, E-Commerce, Budgeting, Service Providers, Business Operations, Revenue Streams, Business Models, Funding
  • Business Development: Building your network, Lead Development, Building Market Channels, Client Outreach, Business Marketing & Conversion to Sale, Brand Management
  • Business Best Practices: Do’s and Don’ts for Small Business Entrepreneurs, Understanding & Managing “Calculated Risk”, Best Times to Post on Social Media

All the Resources & Guidance You Need to Start Your Own Side Hustle in 2024!

Business concepts & planning

If you’re just starting out, the How To Start Your Own 2024 Side Hustle Workbook does a great job of guiding you through the pivotal first steps to getting yourself set up and going.

— Corrin Lewis, Writer/Editor


I used the Workbook and followed the script step by step, to success. What surprised me was how fast and easy it was!”

— David Couture, Auditor


The workbook has made such a difference in my confidence level! I have 100% more business acumen than I had before!

— Linda K


“The Side Hustle Workbook is the perfect gift for a university or college grad.”

— Craig Colby, Executive Producer

With the Right Planning, You Can Launch a Side Hustle Properly – Right Out of the Gate!

About the Author

M. Michelle Nadon: Recruiting Specialist & Executive Career Coach

Michelle Nadon is known for her comprehensive knowledge of the media and entertainment industries. Since 2004, she has been the leading provider of recruitment and cutting-edge career coaching resources for the Canadian media and cultural sectors.

Michelle is fluently bilingual. She holds certificates in Advanced Blogging, Social Media Marketing, The Alliance Atlantis Banff Television Executive Program, and Queens’ University’s Executive Marketing Program.

Michelle Nadon author of CareersAF!

Career Check List 2023

Basic Career Check List for 2023

I always take advantage this season to review my basic career check list, and ensure I am career ready for the coming year… It really pays off to do an “end of year career check list”… Software and technology upgrades complete for desktop and mobile? Check. Computer and email files cleaned out? Check. Apps inventory complete and paired down? Check. Hard drive backed up? Check. Document and email files organized and ready to go for 2022? Check! Newsletters curated and updated to reflect your needs going forward? Check!

Perfect. You’re now ready to take your career check list the next level!

Career goals checklist

2022 Career Goals

Next Level Career Check List for 2023

Short, mid and long-term goals list? Check! Personal brand, resume and email signature upgraded and fit to pass artificial intelligence (AI) and applicant tracking systems (ATS)? Check! Library of “visuals” for social media? Check!  Strategic, empowered approach to hidden job market? Check! Expanded/CURATED network of contacts? Check! Screening call/interview ready? Check! Ready to negotiate that raise? Check! Can you tell an employer exactly why you’re better than anyone else for that job (p.s…it’s all about your business case!)? DOUBLE CHECK!

Goals readiness 2022


I got into the habit of doing year-end computer and marketing scrubs years ago! Cleaning out my computer and feeds, upgrading my software, and preparing my marketing tools really puts me in a confident spot, starting the new year. Everything feels fresh and organized — which leaves me open to creating new product, overhauling services, and generally putting my best foot forward professionally. I repeat: it feels really good but also, it’s massively empowering: a GREAT POSITION to be in, starting any new year.

I challenge you to do the same. It takes 3-4 days to get it all done, but it’s!

Set yourself (or a friend) up for professional success in 2022! Pay this forward and share on social, for a friend, colleague, classmate, employee, new gradmillennial, new immigrant, or anyone in your circle who is under/un-employed, and struggling to get greater career traction.

Careers AF! 2nd Edition:

Careers AF! 2022 WorkBook:

Post-Pandemic Job Seekers & Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Post-pandemic job seekers and aspiring entrepreneurs who are unsure how to navigate the new normal for employment and financial security — this post is for you!

This year, I took stock of the multitude of changes that have taken place with respect to seeking purposeful and gainful employment post-pandemic. As a result, I decided to publish a second edition of Careers AF! …new rules, new tools for the post-pandemic gig economy …Good call!

There are two core areas of content that I felt important to include. First, a new, fulsome chapter on post-pandemic best practices for job search.  …And second, a full new chapter on how to start your own small business. The second edition has been re-edited specifically for:

  • New grads/Gens Z&A/Recent Alumni — looking to get a foot in the door
  • Gens X & Y — looking to move up the corporate ladder
  • Boomers — shifting out of staff jobs into freelance or consultancy roles
  • New Immigrants — seeking the all-important Canadian experience that will give them a toe hold in the labour markets.
Available now

Available in hardcover, softcover, and E-book on

Read Up On Employment Survival c2022!

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Job Search Self-Care

Job search self-care: How are YOU taking care of YOURSELF during job search?

Job seekers are experiencing a sharp increase in depression and anxiety, as we have all been embroiled in the effects of the pandemic for a full year now. People are wearing REAL thin with un/under-employment. I want to encourage you to consider placing a greater degree of emphasis on self-awareness and self-care.  As a result, we can collectively endure this latest lockdown and the ensuing summer slow-down for job search more organically.

8 strategies to enable “self-care” and soften the harsh reality of being under-employed… 

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How to Prepare for a New Career in 2023

What now?

With COVID quarantining an outstanding amount of peoples’ careers, now is the perfect opportunity to prepare for a new career in 2022. One that you have dreamed about. Below you will find some key tips on how to do just that!

Working from home has forced a lot of change on job seekers — regular methods of job search have been seriously impacted, and the competitive environment has increased ten-fold. If you are going to get after this new career, you have to make it a focused part of your energy. Here’s how.

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Dealing With the Emotional Reality of Job Search

Are you dealing with the emotional reality of job search?

Being unemployed or under-employed, can feel like the end of the world!  The shock of losing your professional identity can have a really strong, negative impact on your life. It takes time to accept and adjust to the emotional reality of job search.  When your career comes to a stop, you will experience many emotions — unresolved grief, rational and irrational fears, and your self-esteem flies out the window. You will find that there will be days where your “generalized anxiety” will go through the roof. Continue reading


Sauga960 AM Interview with #BrianCrombiehour


Corporate Vision Media Innovation Award – Best Media Recruiting & Career Management Consultancy – Canada

Canadian Business Award

Best Recruiting & Career Consultancy — Canada

Toronto Star: New year, new career? A recruiter’s tips for a pandemic job hunt on “This Matters” with Saba Eitizaz.

CJRU 1280

CJRU The Scope: CJRU sits down with Michelle Nadon on job hunting from home.

Newstalk CJBK 1290 logoCKBJ London, Interview: Career Coach Michelle Nadon with Ken and Loreena.  

Vibe 105 FM Logo

Vibe 105 York University Article: Careers AF!” The Book Every Millennial Needs To Read!

Toronto Metropolitan University Interview Clip: Jamie Mason, reporter with “The Scope”, interviews M. Michelle Nadon on what it takes to get a job in media these days.

Ask BRTV EP3 GosineFacebook interview with Stephanie Gosine from #askBRTV

Career Recourse with Craig Colby from Colbyvision

Humber Logo

Humber Radio 96.6: Career activism interview with M. Michelle Nadon

CHCH Morning Live Interview: M. Michelle Nadon is featured on CHCH’s Morning Live with Bob Cowan, discussing all the changes to navigating careers c2020.

Thrive Global - Arianna Huffington

Thrive Global: Building Your Plan and Your Brand – Arianna Huffington’s Thrive Global Network featured article with Lisa MacDonald: Career Activism Interview

Best Post-Pandemic Career Advice!


Are you are a new grad trying to get a foot in the door? Are you a millennial looking to move up the ladder? Are you a boomer seeking to reinvent? Or, are you a new immigrant trying to get a handle on the local employment market? …


Not only do the old rules not apply, but in many cases they don’t even exist anymore! As a result, no matter what your situation, you need to know the new rules and how to work them to your advantage. That’s why you need Careers AF!

Careers AF & DIY 2024 WorkBook

The E-Book tells you WHAT to do to manage your career; the WorkBook gives you templates on HOW to do it!

Amazon Reviews …

A Lifeline!”  “An Absolute Game Changer” “Speaks to the Heart” “Eye-Opening” “A First-Rate Fail-Proof Career Strategy” “The WorkBook is simply amazing

– Karen Young, Program Coordinator & Professor, Humber Faculty of Media & Creative Arts

Careers AF! should be your go-to gift for anyone graduating university/college to use as reference to navigate their career path.” -– Craig Colby, ColbyVision


– Craig Colby, Executive Producer, Colbyvision


✔️ Valuable information you will use to assess specifically which jobs are a fit for you so you don’t waste time applying for a job you can’t get (or actually don’t want)

✔️ Easy Guidelines for writing up concrete goals, resumes, cover letters, bios, references, and even recommendations (in case someone is willing to recommend you but wants you to draft the actual letter)

✔️ Completely current intel on how to effectively make platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube & Facebook really work for you

✔️ Insightful techniques for preparing yourself mentally and emotionally for job search

✔️ Insider insights into how to “master the interview” (along with “the biggest mistakes people make in interviews” — so you can avoid them!)

✔️ Clear advice on how to ask for the salary you want and negotiate a solid $$ deal

✔️ Real inspiration “Killer APP Alerts” and real-time encouragement “Mindset Alerts” to actually do the things that will position you at the top of the list when you apply

If you’re in the job market, max out your efforts, and avoid potential discouragement: In other words, set yourself up for success with the knowledge and experience, tips and insider secrets imparted in every page of CAREERS AF!

Alisyn Camerota Testimonial

Special thanks to Alisyn Camerota, Anchor, CNN, and journalist role-model par excellence!

This is the book for creating the career YOU want, on YOUR terms!  

Get your copy today!

Buy CareersAF! on Amazon