Job Search Self-Care

Job search self-care: How are YOU taking care of YOURSELF during job search?

Job seekers are experiencing a sharp increase in depression and anxiety, as we have all been embroiled in the effects of the pandemic for a full year now. People are wearing REAL thin with un/under-employment. I want to encourage you to consider placing a greater degree of emphasis on self-awareness and self-care.  As a result, we can collectively endure this latest lockdown and the ensuing summer slow-down for job search more organically.

8 strategies to enable “self-care” and soften the harsh reality of being under-employed… 

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How to Prepare for a New Career in 2023

What now?

With COVID quarantining an outstanding amount of peoples’ careers, now is the perfect opportunity to prepare for a new career in 2022. One that you have dreamed about. Below you will find some key tips on how to do just that!

Working from home has forced a lot of change on job seekers — regular methods of job search have been seriously impacted, and the competitive environment has increased ten-fold. If you are going to get after this new career, you have to make it a focused part of your energy. Here’s how.

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