Get Ready to WOW the Job Market

Back to work January! Prepare yourself with the tools and know-how to confidently enter one of the strongest job markets of the year …

Execs/senior level individuals can join our FREE weekly Zoom rooms on Wednesdays at 10 EST. On top of reviewing resume and cover letter best practices, we also discuss:

  • How to “position” and “package” yourself
  • Developing solid self-marketing tools (resume, profile, Bios, videos, etc.)
  • How to establish and maintain a strong digital presence
  • How to access the hidden job market
  • How to navigate screening calls; get ahead of artificial intelligence
  • Intel sharing; post-pandemic changes to employers and HR departments

Email nadon (at) mediaintelligence (dot) ca to register!


Exec Career Zoom Jam

Exec Career Zoom Jam

Get ahead of the game  and bring a whole new you to the job market — it’s easy! Let us show you how. Email: nadon (at) mediaintelligence (dot) ca! We’ll be happy to have you onboard!




Careers 2023: Get Comfortable With Change!

Career Disruptions: Get Comfortable With Change! 

2023 demands we all get comfortable with change … We couldn’t have known that the onset of the pandemic in June 2020 would prompt so many career disruptions! Newsflash: 36 months later, working from home has become a way of life. The pandemic has resulted in huge changes to job seeker expectations and employers’ expectations. It has also prompted a true overhaul of everyone’s perspective on meaningful work! More information on post-pandemic job search best practices can be found here. 

Increased Connectedness

The good news: One of the most beneficial side effects of the pandemic is that there is now a profound, significant increase in proactive interaction within online groups and more openness to networking within professional communities. We are witnessing more connectedness, more inclusion, a greater appreciation for diversity and more authenticity than ever! The pandemic has certainly brought out the best in us, in terms of watching out for, and facilitating for, each other. Getting comfortable with change means that everyone can now be assured of a whole opportunity to expand their networks! In other words, connect already!

Mindset Alert

What would you like your professional name to stand for?

Need for Up-Skilling & Certification

Employers are seeking talent with greater flexibility, greater skills and greater knowledge — especially with respect to new technologies and new platforms. Demand for talent is high. More importantly, along with a multitude of new jobs and new functionalities, comes a multitude of employer demands!

Employers are on the watch for “digital currency” and “a consistent digital presence” from potential employees. They are also seeking talent that have existing  — and expanding — social equity (read: connections!). Employers are inviting/incentivizing staff members to help add to in-house human resource pipelines. As an example, a great way to make a favourable impact on your employer is by helping them find qualitative leads. Job seekers must make a concerted effort, now, more than ever, to connect, connect, CONNECT! Above all, this will help you maintain your currency and digital presence, and will increase your social equity, therefore making your candidacy more attractive to employers.

#careergrowth, #careersaf  @mediaINTELLIGENCE  #careerchanges

Post-Pandemic Job Seekers & Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Post-pandemic job seekers and aspiring entrepreneurs who are unsure how to navigate the new normal for employment and financial security — this post is for you!

This year, I took stock of the multitude of changes that have taken place with respect to seeking purposeful and gainful employment post-pandemic. As a result, I decided to publish a second edition of Careers AF! …new rules, new tools for the post-pandemic gig economy …Good call!

There are two core areas of content that I felt important to include. First, a new, fulsome chapter on post-pandemic best practices for job search.  …And second, a full new chapter on how to start your own small business. The second edition has been re-edited specifically for:

  • New grads/Gens Z&A/Recent Alumni — looking to get a foot in the door
  • Gens X & Y — looking to move up the corporate ladder
  • Boomers — shifting out of staff jobs into freelance or consultancy roles
  • New Immigrants — seeking the all-important Canadian experience that will give them a toe hold in the labour markets.
Available now

Available in hardcover, softcover, and E-book on

Read Up On Employment Survival c2022!

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