20 Years of mediaINTELLIGENCE.ca!

So proud to be celebrating 20 years of mediaINTELLIGENCE.ca! 

Lets take a walk down memory lane and reminisce on everything we’ve accomplished so far!

Thank you for all your support & encouragement. I can’t wait to see what we can accomplish in another decade or two!  With gratitude and the best of wishes, mitch nadon

How to Get Your 2024 Career Act Together: Step 2!!

In my blog “How to Get Your 2024 Career Act Together: Step 1” we talked about clearing the decks (our computers as well as our minds) in preparation for the 2024 January to April job market.  Good start! YAY YOU, if you did it!  Your mental wellbeing will thank you for it, and you’ll be twice as efficient servicing colleagues and clients. Show ’em just how professional you can be, with organized files, documents, and upgraded software, marketing tools, etc.

2024 Career Wish-List

Now, we need to turn our sights towards our 2024 “Career Wish List”, AKA GOALS!  Take an hour, and  write up a list of 12 separate items (personal goals, professional goals, professional development goals, relationship goals, spirituality goals, health & wellness goals, financial goals, creativity goals) … C’mon, I dare you to “gift yourself” with a brand new list of wants and needs for the year!

Simple fact: Unless you write your goals down on a list, and prioritize them via your calendar, you’re going nowhere — fast. There is simply no point in letting your goals fly aimlessly around your head: Get your goals off your mind and onto an actual list! Goals remain unresolved UNLESS you “take your goals to the next level”.

How to take Your Career Goals to the Next Level? Our “DIY 2024 Careers AF! Workbook” shows you exactly how!

SO – are you up for it? One simple hour of your life to plan your 2024 career/life pursuits, instead of (continuing) to throw stuff at the wall year after year, and (continuing) to HOPE that something sticks.

2024 Career goals

Brilliantly simple. Infinitely do-able.

Seriously, all: I write up my goals every.single.year on my birthday in January. Then, I prioritize them and calendarize each item. And you know what? … For the last two DECADES, I’m happy to say I realize 90% of my goals, in real time — religiously — year over year. Easy-peasy, once you get into the habit of it.

It’s a beautiful thing. Aren’t YOU, and isn’t YOUR career worth that one hour of preparation? You’re worth it. Your life is worth it. Give yourself the chance to self-actualize! ONE HOUR OF YOUR LIFE versus months and/or years of experimentation…  C’mon! Just get the goals/wish list done for the year. Then you’ll be in a position to rock your goals, you’ll articulate them better to others, and most importantly, you’ll feel more in control of your career. What’s not to like?

Careers 2023: Get Comfortable With Change!

Career Disruptions: Get Comfortable With Change! 

2023 demands we all get comfortable with change … We couldn’t have known that the onset of the pandemic in June 2020 would prompt so many career disruptions! Newsflash: 36 months later, working from home has become a way of life. The pandemic has resulted in huge changes to job seeker expectations and employers’ expectations. It has also prompted a true overhaul of everyone’s perspective on meaningful work! More information on post-pandemic job search best practices can be found here. 

Increased Connectedness

The good news: One of the most beneficial side effects of the pandemic is that there is now a profound, significant increase in proactive interaction within online groups and more openness to networking within professional communities. We are witnessing more connectedness, more inclusion, a greater appreciation for diversity and more authenticity than ever! The pandemic has certainly brought out the best in us, in terms of watching out for, and facilitating for, each other. Getting comfortable with change means that everyone can now be assured of a whole opportunity to expand their networks! In other words, connect already!

Mindset Alert

What would you like your professional name to stand for?

Need for Up-Skilling & Certification

Employers are seeking talent with greater flexibility, greater skills and greater knowledge — especially with respect to new technologies and new platforms. Demand for talent is high. More importantly, along with a multitude of new jobs and new functionalities, comes a multitude of employer demands!

Employers are on the watch for “digital currency” and “a consistent digital presence” from potential employees. They are also seeking talent that have existing  — and expanding — social equity (read: connections!). Employers are inviting/incentivizing staff members to help add to in-house human resource pipelines. As an example, a great way to make a favourable impact on your employer is by helping them find qualitative leads. Job seekers must make a concerted effort, now, more than ever, to connect, connect, CONNECT! Above all, this will help you maintain your currency and digital presence, and will increase your social equity, therefore making your candidacy more attractive to employers.

#careergrowth, #careersaf  @mediaINTELLIGENCE  #careerchanges

Job Search Self-Care

Job search self-care: How are YOU taking care of YOURSELF during job search?

Job seekers are experiencing a sharp increase in depression and anxiety, as we have all been embroiled in the effects of the pandemic for a full year now. People are wearing REAL thin with un/under-employment. I want to encourage you to consider placing a greater degree of emphasis on self-awareness and self-care.  As a result, we can collectively endure this latest lockdown and the ensuing summer slow-down for job search more organically.

8 strategies to enable “self-care” and soften the harsh reality of being under-employed… 

Continue reading

Top-Standard Post-Pandemic Career Advice!


Are you are a new grad trying to get a foot in the door? A millennial looking to move up the ladder? Are you a Gen-Xer seeking to reinvent? Or, a new immigrant trying to get a handle on the Canadian employment markets? …

Not only do the old rules not apply, but in many cases they don’t even exist anymore! As a result, no matter what your situation, you need to know the new rules and tools, and how to work them to your advantage. That’s why you need Careers AF! 2nd Edition!

2025 Workbooks

Careers AF! 2nd Edition & its’ accompanying workbooks are ALL that you need for career success in 2025.

Amazon Reviews …

A Lifeline!”  “An Absolute Game Changer” “Speaks to the Heart” “Eye-Opening” “A First-Rate Fail-Proof Career Strategy” “The WorkBook is simply amazing

– Karen Young, Program Coordinator & Professor, Humber Faculty of Media & Creative Arts

Careers AF! should be your go-to gift for anyone graduating university/college to use as reference to navigate their career path.” -– Craig Colby, ColbyVision

– Craig Colby, Executive Producer, ColbyVision




✔️ Valuable information you will use to assess specifically which jobs are a fit for you so you don’t waste time applying for a job you can’t get (or actually don’t want)

✔️ Easy Guidelines for writing up concrete goals, resumes, cover letters, bios, references, and even recommendations (in case someone is willing to recommend you but wants you to draft the actual letter)

✔️ Completely current intel on how to effectively make platforms like LinkedIn, X,  Instagram, TikTok, YouTube & Facebook really work for you

✔️ Insightful techniques for preparing yourself mentally and emotionally for job search

✔️ Insider insights into how to “master the interview” (along with “the biggest mistakes people make in interviews” — so you can avoid them!)

✔️ Clear advice on how to ask for the salary you want and negotiate a solid $ deal

✔️ Real inspiration “Killer APP Alerts” and real-time encouragement “Mindset Alerts” to actually do the things that will position you at the top of the list when you apply

If you’re in the job market, max out your efforts and avoid potential discouragement: In other words, set yourself up for success with the knowledge and experience, tips and insider secrets imparted in every page of CAREERS AF!

Alisyn Camerota Testimonial

Special thanks to Alisyn Camerota, Anchor, CNN, and journalist role-model par excellence!

This is the book for creating the career YOU want, on YOUR terms!  

Get your copy today!

Buy CareersAF! on Amazon

eStore: DIY 2025 CareersAF! Workbook

DIY 2025 Careers AF! Workbook

22 pages of up-to-date 22 x c2025 templates to successfully manage your career!

“Formalizing my career plan showed me that my goals were achievable — all that I had to do was to be systematic about pursuing them.”
– Gloria YK

Your Complete,”How-To” Resource for Marketing Yourself in the Hyper-Competitive Pandemic Era


The DIY 2025 Careers AF! Workbook was created to provide a step-by-step guide with everything you need for getting that new job you’ve been dreaming about, reinventing yourself, or, starting a new business.

What You’ll Learn:

  • How to Organize Your Career or Business Goals
  • How to Build Your Professional Brand
  • How to Create an “AI-friendly” Resume
  • How to Write a Formal Cover Letter/Email
  • How To Write Your Bio
  • How To Write a Recommendation
  • How To Write Up Your References
  • Are You Shortlist-able?
  • How to Track Your Job Search or Business Leads
  • How to Start Your New Job Successfully
  • The Best Times to Post on Social Media

Don’t Take Our Word For It

Read What People Have to Say About the DIY Career Workbook

Are You Shortlist-able?

I had no idea how important it is to self-screen for jobs. As a result, I’m now getting call backs!

– Noel N

How to Write a Formal Cover Letter

My recruiter told me this was the best cover letter she’d ever seen!”

– Sophie M

Job Search Tracking

The job search spreadsheet blew my mind.

– Derek B

Start Your New Job Successfully

I read through your entry strategy document and it’s pure gold.

– Jess B

Professional Branding

Learning about the marketing side of things is just as important as the content side — I wish I’d learned this much earlier.

– Jacky H

How To Write Your Bio

Above all, my marketing tools are SO much more professional and sophisticated now.

– Linda K

Best Times to Post on Social Media:

With these tips and tricks, I understand how to use social media to my best advantage now!

– Uly V

Ready to create the career YOU want, on YOUR terms?

About the Author

M. Michelle Nadon: Recruiting Specialist & Executive Career Coach

Michelle Nadon is known for her comprehensive knowledge of the media and entertainment industries. Since 2004, she has been the leading provider of recruitment and cutting-edge career coaching resources for the Canadian media and cultural sectors.

Michelle is fluently bilingual. She holds certificates in Advanced Blogging, Social Media Marketing, The Alliance Atlantis Banff Television Executive Program, and Queens’ University’s Executive Marketing Program.

Michelle Nadon author of CareersAF!