How to Rock Your Job Search and Create a Contact Database

Job Search …There’s more to life than job postings! 

There are many strategies you can use, to help you become employed. Most people rely on job postings, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg in job search … read on…

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Build Your Brand with Marketing Materials

NEVER ever ever lose an opportunity to promote your full name, and contact information when you build your personal brand.

In job search, it’s “mission critical” to brand your name and to list full contact information on all of your business correspondence and all of your personal marketing pieces.

Last week I wrote about gathering all your marketing pieces (or “tools” as I like to call them), lining them up together, and doing a full review of them for content, consistency, digital currency, and formatting/design. Now we’ll take a closer look at the most important ones.

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Does a cover letter still matter?

Why write a cover letter?

A lot of people ask me what is the point of writing a cover letter anymore? Do they even get read? Can’t I just send a resume?  …and be done with it? Well, short answer is yes, you can just send a resume. But why miss out on the chance to show them that, not only do your skills match the job description (…making you short-listable – scroll down to earlier blog: “Are You Short-listable”) but also show them that your career aspirations and intentions are also a match.

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How to Actualize your Career Goals

The best way to actualize your career goals is to start a career wish list.

You owe it to yourself to own what you actually want (…not what you think the world wants of you). You’ll be amazed if you just sit down and get centered with yourself, and make some notes on what you might like to pursue for the next year, or handful of years, for your life. You have to give it just the time it takes to write it up (an hour?) and you’ll be off to a strong start …because the minute you start writing them down, you are starting to deliver a much more targeted message.

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Welcome to the mediaINTELLIGENCE Career Blog!

Career Blog

Wondering where to start actually managing your career? With this career blog, we start at the beginning, and we go through the practical steps that help set us up for success in the marketplace. Do this program once, and you’ll have job search skills for life. 

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