In my blog “How to Get Your 2024 Career Act Together: Step 1” we talked about clearing the decks (our computers as well as our minds) in preparation for the 2024 January to April job market. Good start! YAY YOU, if you did it! Your mental wellbeing will thank you for it, and you’ll be twice as efficient servicing colleagues and clients. Show ’em just how professional you can be, with organized files, documents, and upgraded software, marketing tools, etc.
2024 Career Wish-List
Now, we need to turn our sights towards our 2024 “Career Wish List”, AKA GOALS! Take an hour, and write up a list of 12 separate items (personal goals, professional goals, professional development goals, relationship goals, spirituality goals, health & wellness goals, financial goals, creativity goals) … C’mon, I dare you to “gift yourself” with a brand new list of wants and needs for the year!
Simple fact: Unless you write your goals down on a list, and prioritize them via your calendar, you’re going nowhere — fast. There is simply no point in letting your goals fly aimlessly around your head: Get your goals off your mind and onto an actual list! Goals remain unresolved UNLESS you “take your goals to the next level”.
How to take Your Career Goals to the Next Level? Our “DIY 2024 Careers AF! Workbook” shows you exactly how!
SO – are you up for it? One simple hour of your life to plan your 2024 career/life pursuits, instead of (continuing) to throw stuff at the wall year after year, and (continuing) to HOPE that something sticks.

Brilliantly simple. Infinitely do-able.
Seriously, all: I write up my goals every.single.year on my birthday in January. Then, I prioritize them and calendarize each item. And you know what? … For the last two DECADES, I’m happy to say I realize 90% of my goals, in real time — religiously — year over year. Easy-peasy, once you get into the habit of it.
It’s a beautiful thing. Aren’t YOU, and isn’t YOUR career worth that one hour of preparation? You’re worth it. Your life is worth it. Give yourself the chance to self-actualize! ONE HOUR OF YOUR LIFE versus months and/or years of experimentation… C’mon! Just get the goals/wish list done for the year. Then you’ll be in a position to rock your goals, you’ll articulate them better to others, and most importantly, you’ll feel more in control of your career. What’s not to like?