Got the Back-to-Work Blues?

Don’t panic, we’ve got your career needs completely covered. All you need is the right career resources…

If you are a RECENT GRAD trying to get a foot in the door, here’s a “go-to” with all the templates you will need: DIY 2024 Careers AF! Workbook

If you are a MILLENNIAL looking to grow your career, this book tells you WHAT you need to know and do to get it right, and move up! Careers AF! 2nd Edition New rules, new tools for the gig economy  Millennials can also hugely benefit from the knowledge on how to interview strongly and negotiate your employment deals — Master the Interview & Negotiate Your Salary available here:

If you are a GEN X-ER looking to start-up a business, check this out : How To Start Your Own 2024 Side Hustle

 If you are NEW TO CANADA, and are trying to get the foothold in the labour market, start here: DIY 2024 Careers AF! Workbook 

Careers AF! 2nd Edition Book: New rules, new tools for the gig economy shows you exactly WHAT you need to know, to manage your career; the Workbooks provide templates that show you HOW!

Set yourself up for success with the best 2024 career resources and download your copies now!

Careers AF! Resources 2024

Get the latest best practices to manage your career in Fall, 2024

20 Years of!

So proud to be celebrating 20 years of! 

Lets take a walk down memory lane and reminisce on everything we’ve accomplished so far!

Thank you for all your support & encouragement. I can’t wait to see what we can accomplish in another decade or two!  With gratitude and the best of wishes, mitch nadon

How to Get Your 2024 Career Act Together: Step 2!!

In my blog “How to Get Your 2024 Career Act Together: Step 1” we talked about clearing the decks (our computers as well as our minds) in preparation for the 2024 January to April job market.  Good start! YAY YOU, if you did it!  Your mental wellbeing will thank you for it, and you’ll be twice as efficient servicing colleagues and clients. Show ’em just how professional you can be, with organized files, documents, and upgraded software, marketing tools, etc.

2024 Career Wish-List

Now, we need to turn our sights towards our 2024 “Career Wish List”, AKA GOALS!  Take an hour, and  write up a list of 12 separate items (personal goals, professional goals, professional development goals, relationship goals, spirituality goals, health & wellness goals, financial goals, creativity goals) … C’mon, I dare you to “gift yourself” with a brand new list of wants and needs for the year!

Simple fact: Unless you write your goals down on a list, and prioritize them via your calendar, you’re going nowhere — fast. There is simply no point in letting your goals fly aimlessly around your head: Get your goals off your mind and onto an actual list! Goals remain unresolved UNLESS you “take your goals to the next level”.

How to take Your Career Goals to the Next Level? Our “DIY 2024 Careers AF! Workbook” shows you exactly how!

SO – are you up for it? One simple hour of your life to plan your 2024 career/life pursuits, instead of (continuing) to throw stuff at the wall year after year, and (continuing) to HOPE that something sticks.

2024 Career goals

Brilliantly simple. Infinitely do-able.

Seriously, all: I write up my goals every.single.year on my birthday in January. Then, I prioritize them and calendarize each item. And you know what? … For the last two DECADES, I’m happy to say I realize 90% of my goals, in real time — religiously — year over year. Easy-peasy, once you get into the habit of it.

It’s a beautiful thing. Aren’t YOU, and isn’t YOUR career worth that one hour of preparation? You’re worth it. Your life is worth it. Give yourself the chance to self-actualize! ONE HOUR OF YOUR LIFE versus months and/or years of experimentation…  C’mon! Just get the goals/wish list done for the year. Then you’ll be in a position to rock your goals, you’ll articulate them better to others, and most importantly, you’ll feel more in control of your career. What’s not to like?

How to Get Your 2024 Career Act Together: Step 1!

A new year, new goals, new opportunities! A new year is always a source of great excitement for me: My goals list is ready to go! However, writing up goals is akin to putting the cart before the horse in many ways…

Software/Hardware/Supplier Accounts

As is my nature, I spent the month of December studiously upgrading my software and hardware, and reviewing all my supplier accounts to see who could stay, but more important, who could go (along with their costs!)


Then, onto the website: making notes on pages that need to be adjusted in preparation for January. While on website, I updated copyright and privacy notices.


I then studiously combed through my 2023 emails (SO MANY!) and got rid of a TON just to clear the field (and my mind!) for the coming year. I archived old email folders and set up new ones, saving even more confusion!


Next up: document folders:  I went through each of my documents, re-organized, archived 2023, got rid of drafts and duplicates, and put tags on recent versions/updated documents for 2024, so I that wouldn’t spend any more time trying to decipher one version from another!

Computer Files

Each year, I set up a) client folders; b) a financial folder for HST spreadsheets and tax info; c) an “invoices folder” to have somewhere to park invoices; and d) reviewed my passwords/login spreadsheet, making time to update as many as possible…just as a matter of diligence. (thanks Google, for the prompt!)


I realized about 5 yrs ago, just how important having “visuals” is to brand and promote my product/services. Therefore, I made a long list of visuals to give to my marketing team, to ensure I have an adequate supply for the months ahead. Note: I know it’s not a good idea to “date” things, however, each year I upgrade ALL of my product, to reflect the new year. Using “2024” really works for me – it denotes newness, totally current materials… It’s a pain to revise every year, but I find it a most valuable exercise.

Email/Voice-Mail Signatures

Last, I upgraded each of my email signatures (personal and professional), to include new contact info (this year adding TikTok — to my chagrin — and YouTube… and chose appropriate visuals (or tag lines, or short testimonials) to add to signature. This ensures strong, up-to-date branding, and makes each email visually attractive.

Final step was to review my voice mail signature: ensuring I  state my first name + last name CLEARLY with a slight pause between the two and of course, mention the name of the company. I am always sure to include a warm, inclusive, social message advising my intention to return a call within 24 hours.

Am I ready for 2024? You betcha…Watch for next blog addressing goals for the year…

Happy New Year everyone!

Happy New Year 2024

Live long and prosper!



Get Ready to WOW the Job Market

Back to work January! Prepare yourself with the tools and know-how to confidently enter one of the strongest job markets of the year …

Execs/senior level individuals can join our FREE weekly Zoom rooms on Wednesdays at 10 EST. On top of reviewing resume and cover letter best practices, we also discuss:

  • How to “position” and “package” yourself
  • Developing solid self-marketing tools (resume, profile, Bios, videos, etc.)
  • How to establish and maintain a strong digital presence
  • How to access the hidden job market
  • How to navigate screening calls; get ahead of artificial intelligence
  • Intel sharing; post-pandemic changes to employers and HR departments

Email nadon (at) mediaintelligence (dot) ca to register!


Exec Career Zoom Jam

Exec Career Zoom Jam

Get ahead of the game  and bring a whole new you to the job market — it’s easy! Let us show you how. Email: nadon (at) mediaintelligence (dot) ca! We’ll be happy to have you onboard!




Career Check List 2023

Basic Career Check List for 2023

I always take advantage this season to review my basic career check list, and ensure I am career ready for the coming year… It really pays off to do an “end of year career check list”… Software and technology upgrades complete for desktop and mobile? Check. Computer and email files cleaned out? Check. Apps inventory complete and paired down? Check. Hard drive backed up? Check. Document and email files organized and ready to go for 2022? Check! Newsletters curated and updated to reflect your needs going forward? Check!

Perfect. You’re now ready to take your career check list the next level!

Career goals checklist

2022 Career Goals

Next Level Career Check List for 2023

Short, mid and long-term goals list? Check! Personal brand, resume and email signature upgraded and fit to pass artificial intelligence (AI) and applicant tracking systems (ATS)? Check! Library of “visuals” for social media? Check!  Strategic, empowered approach to hidden job market? Check! Expanded/CURATED network of contacts? Check! Screening call/interview ready? Check! Ready to negotiate that raise? Check! Can you tell an employer exactly why you’re better than anyone else for that job (p.s…it’s all about your business case!)? DOUBLE CHECK!

Goals readiness 2022


I got into the habit of doing year-end computer and marketing scrubs years ago! Cleaning out my computer and feeds, upgrading my software, and preparing my marketing tools really puts me in a confident spot, starting the new year. Everything feels fresh and organized — which leaves me open to creating new product, overhauling services, and generally putting my best foot forward professionally. I repeat: it feels really good but also, it’s massively empowering: a GREAT POSITION to be in, starting any new year.

I challenge you to do the same. It takes 3-4 days to get it all done, but it’s!

Set yourself (or a friend) up for professional success in 2022! Pay this forward and share on social, for a friend, colleague, classmate, employee, new gradmillennial, new immigrant, or anyone in your circle who is under/un-employed, and struggling to get greater career traction.

Careers AF! 2nd Edition:

Careers AF! 2022 WorkBook:

Careers 2023: Get Comfortable With Change!

Career Disruptions: Get Comfortable With Change! 

2023 demands we all get comfortable with change … We couldn’t have known that the onset of the pandemic in June 2020 would prompt so many career disruptions! Newsflash: 36 months later, working from home has become a way of life. The pandemic has resulted in huge changes to job seeker expectations and employers’ expectations. It has also prompted a true overhaul of everyone’s perspective on meaningful work! More information on post-pandemic job search best practices can be found here. 

Increased Connectedness

The good news: One of the most beneficial side effects of the pandemic is that there is now a profound, significant increase in proactive interaction within online groups and more openness to networking within professional communities. We are witnessing more connectedness, more inclusion, a greater appreciation for diversity and more authenticity than ever! The pandemic has certainly brought out the best in us, in terms of watching out for, and facilitating for, each other. Getting comfortable with change means that everyone can now be assured of a whole opportunity to expand their networks! In other words, connect already!

Mindset Alert

What would you like your professional name to stand for?

Need for Up-Skilling & Certification

Employers are seeking talent with greater flexibility, greater skills and greater knowledge — especially with respect to new technologies and new platforms. Demand for talent is high. More importantly, along with a multitude of new jobs and new functionalities, comes a multitude of employer demands!

Employers are on the watch for “digital currency” and “a consistent digital presence” from potential employees. They are also seeking talent that have existing  — and expanding — social equity (read: connections!). Employers are inviting/incentivizing staff members to help add to in-house human resource pipelines. As an example, a great way to make a favourable impact on your employer is by helping them find qualitative leads. Job seekers must make a concerted effort, now, more than ever, to connect, connect, CONNECT! Above all, this will help you maintain your currency and digital presence, and will increase your social equity, therefore making your candidacy more attractive to employers.

#careergrowth, #careersaf  @mediaINTELLIGENCE  #careerchanges

Post-Pandemic Job Seekers & Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Post-pandemic job seekers and aspiring entrepreneurs who are unsure how to navigate the new normal for employment and financial security — this post is for you!

This year, I took stock of the multitude of changes that have taken place with respect to seeking purposeful and gainful employment post-pandemic. As a result, I decided to publish a second edition of Careers AF! …new rules, new tools for the post-pandemic gig economy …Good call!

There are two core areas of content that I felt important to include. First, a new, fulsome chapter on post-pandemic best practices for job search.  …And second, a full new chapter on how to start your own small business. The second edition has been re-edited specifically for:

  • New grads/Gens Z&A/Recent Alumni — looking to get a foot in the door
  • Gens X & Y — looking to move up the corporate ladder
  • Boomers — shifting out of staff jobs into freelance or consultancy roles
  • New Immigrants — seeking the all-important Canadian experience that will give them a toe hold in the labour markets.
Available now

Available in hardcover, softcover, and E-book on

Read Up On Employment Survival c2022!

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Job Search Self-Care

Job search self-care: How are YOU taking care of YOURSELF during job search?

Job seekers are experiencing a sharp increase in depression and anxiety, as we have all been embroiled in the effects of the pandemic for a full year now. People are wearing REAL thin with un/under-employment. I want to encourage you to consider placing a greater degree of emphasis on self-awareness and self-care.  As a result, we can collectively endure this latest lockdown and the ensuing summer slow-down for job search more organically.

8 strategies to enable “self-care” and soften the harsh reality of being under-employed… 

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How to Prepare for a New Career in 2023

What now?

With COVID quarantining an outstanding amount of peoples’ careers, now is the perfect opportunity to prepare for a new career in 2022. One that you have dreamed about. Below you will find some key tips on how to do just that!

Working from home has forced a lot of change on job seekers — regular methods of job search have been seriously impacted, and the competitive environment has increased ten-fold. If you are going to get after this new career, you have to make it a focused part of your energy. Here’s how.

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